I have been thoroughly checking out CCleaner and the possibility of running it as a scheduled task to cleanup user temp files. This is a common support call for us with temp files causing issues. We have a different utility called Cleanup! that can be run interactively, but isn’t always the best choice for Win7 machines with the new file locations. I tried a test deployment of this through group policy specifying it as a task. Suddenly, many users complained that opening any program was causing a re-install of my custom SBClient package for our ERP system. A little investigating of the vent log showed this event:
Sure enough CCleaner was dropping the MSDEMSG.LOG file and also an associated files, MKDEWE.TRN. These files belong to the Pervasive SQL program. This was causing my custom installation package to try and repair itself. I have now excluded these files from my CCleaner task and all is back to normal, whatever that is :)